North Star Psychiatry
At North Star Psychiatry, we understand that mental health treatment works best when there is a team approach. Patients and clients often have complex needs that require specifically tailored plans of care involving more than one treatment provider. Medication is a powerful therapeutic tool, but it is not the solution, or the only treatment option, in all cases. Many patients benefit tremendously from psychotherapy.
North Star Psychiatry has a team of highly skilled therapists. In addition, we are happy to collaborate with and refer patients to other therapists throughout the community. We accept many referrals from outside therapists who are treating clients who feel “stuck” in terms of their overall progress. In addition, Dr. Rogers helps his patients find and connect with the best therapists available for their treatment needs.
It is not uncommon for primary care physicians to treat patients who are struggling with mental illness. However, general practitioners often refer patients to psychiatrists when the case is more advanced and beyond their scope of practice. Psychiatrists have specialized training that enables them to diagnose mental illness and treat patients who are suffering from it.
At North Star Psychiatry, Dr. Rogers frequently gets referrals from pediatricians, family doctors, and internists. Such patients may be treated with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both. Sometimes, patients have medical conditions that affect which medications they can or cannot take.
Before and during treatment, many patients need medical workup, which could include measurement of height, weight, and vital signs, as well as specific laboratory values. Because psychiatry is a medical specialty, and mental health is part of a person’s overall medical wellbeing, Dr. Rogers keeps a close eye on the medical status of his patients. He will often reach out to other physicians who are treating his patients to discuss how to best meet his patients’ needs.